High Blood Pressure Natural Treatment, Causes And Symptoms

Heart pumps out the blood to all the tissues and organs of the body through the vessels called arteries. When the blood flows in the arteries with pressure it results into hypertension which is also known as high blood pressure. Normal measurement of blood pressure is 120/80 and when this measurement goes to 140/90 or above then this condition is considered to be high blood pressure.There are many causes of blood pressure and sometimes it is the result of another disease. In that case when the root cause is treated the blood pressure returns to its normal position. This condition may be kidney disease which is chronic, pregnancy, dysfunction of thyroid, intake of birth control pills, addiction of alcohol, tumors and coarctation of the aorta.Many factors, that cause high blood pressure is still unknown. But some factors that contributes to the cause of high blood pressure are age, race, overweight, hereditary, intake of excess sodium, use of alcohol, lack of exercise and also due to intake of certain medications.Some of the major symptoms of high blood pressure are-blurred vision, Nausea, dizziness and constant headache. Sometimes the high blood pressure show no symptoms but cause progressive damage to heart, blood vessels and other organs. If the degree of high blood pressure is high then it requires immediate hospitalization. It is very necessary to lower the blood pressure to prevent stroke or brain hemorrhage.Blood pressure can be reduced to a great extent through nutritional changes. It is necessary to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables. It not only reduces our fat and cholesterol but also reduces the blood pressure with loss in weight also.1. Restrict the intake of sugar, salt, refined foods, junk foods, caffeine, dairy products and fried products.2. Drink plenty of water3. Avoid food sensitivities4. Increase the intake of fresh, whole, unrefined, unprocessed foods. It is necessary to include vegetables, fruits, garlic, onion, olive oil, cold water fish, soy, beans and whole grains in your diet. It will finally lower the blood pressure and weight is also reduced.5. It is must to reduce the intake of sodium in your diet. It will help in reducing the blood pressure. This fact is known to almost every educated person.6. Some herbal medicines also reduce our blood pressure.7. To lower the blood pressure flaxseed meal is also a best option. Grind 2-4 tablespoon and take it daily.8. Vitamin C, calcium and coenzyme are also recommended top lower the blood pressure.
