The Greeks Called Public Speaking

The concept of public speaking is not something that has recently sprung up. It has its roots deeply embedded in the history of mankind, tracing back to the times when communication was first developed among human beings. Of all the ancient civilizations, the Greeks placed immense importance on the art of public speaking, known as rhetoric, and its role within in their society.

The ancient Greeks referred to public speaking as rhetoric, and it was considered a vital part of life in Greece. It was intricately intertwined into their political, social, and intellectual activities. In fact, a person’s standing in society was, to a large extent, shaped by their skill and ability to engage an audience through speech.

Rhetoric was considered such a significant field of study that it became a central part of the curriculum in ancient Greek academies. This curriculum was structured around five canons, or rules, of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. Each of these canons played a key role in crafting a compelling and persuasive speech.

One cannot discuss Greek rhetoric without mentioning some of its prominent figures. The likes of Aristotle, Plato, and Demosthenes all played crucial roles in molding the perception and implementation of public speaking in their society. Aristotle, a philosopher and a student of Plato, wrote ‘Rhetoric’, an extensive study into the art of persuasion. Plato, although critical of rhetoric for its manipulative potential, recognized its power and vital role in society. Demosthenes, on the other hand, was reputed for his speeches that thoroughly integrated all the canons of rhetoric, displaying mastery of the art.

In the modern world, the importance of public speaking remains undiminished, albeit the tools and techniques have evolved over time. Today, the concept of Greek rhetoric can be associated with training sessions and workshops designed to enhance an individual’s public speaking capabilities. This is an inherent part of developing ‘soft skills’, and it is universally relevant, irrespective of one’s profession or area of expertise.

Here is where the concept of a ‘presentation skills online course‘ comes in. An effective and efficient way of mastering the art of public speaking in the digital age, these online courses have harnessed the flexibility and accessibility of the internet to offer captivating, enriching and interactive experiences to learners. A presentation skills online course would usually comprise modules on the fundamentals of crafting a speech, knowing one’s audience, effective body language and modulation, among others. Importantly, it retains the core essence of Greek rhetoric — the art of persuasive speech.

Just like the ancient Greeks, we still strive for and value excellence in public speaking. In fact, some of the most celebrated figures in contemporary society, from politicians to entrepreneurs to motivational speakers, are those who are skilled at articulating their thoughts, ideas, and arguments in a manner that is persuasive, engaging, and impressive. These individuals often credit their success to their proficiency in public speaking.

To put it simply, the ancient Greeks weren’t merely talking about rhetoric; they were developing the earliest foundations for what we would come to appreciate as public speaking. Today, whether it’s in the form of a motivational speech, a corporate presentation, a political debate, or a ‘presentation skills online course’, the essence of Greek rhetoric is very much alive and relevant.

This serves as a testament to the timeless value of public speaking, and the invaluable contribution of the ancient Greeks to this art.