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Common Tools For Removing Ticks In Dogs
Daryl B. Chapman
Ticks are common, In spite of this, they are very alarming because they can pose serious health problems to pets and humans too. They are second to mosquitoes in transmitting infectious diseases. To know if your paw friend is infested by ticks, following are the signs and symptoms to lookout for: Irritation, inflammation, local infection, allergic reaction, fever, lameness, loss of craving, sharp pain in legs or body, arthritis, malaise or lethargy, cough, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis.
Ticks are very challenging to detect especially when they are still very small or in larval and nymphal stage and the dog’s hair are thick and long, that is why some dog owners choose to frequently cut their dog’s hair short or shave them for easy tick detection. Wear gloves whenever searching for ticks. Conscientiously, run your hands through your dog’s furry coat and feel for bumps. Visually check if it is a tick.
Common Practice For Removing Ticks
To get rid of ticks, spray alcohol or pour one to two drops of mineral oil at the tick. It will immobilize the tick in seconds. It also loosens the tick’s hold to the dog’s skin. Circumspectly, grip the head of the tick, as close to its mouth as possible. Apply gently pressure. Deliberately, remove the tick away from your pet’s skin. Avoid gripping the tick at its head as not to twist the tick. Twisting can leave tick fragments or other parts behind. Be conscientious not to quash the tick. Crushing the tick can spread more bacteria, or worse, it can cause the blood of the tick to get into the dog’s stab. If the head or any part of it remains in the dog’s skin, evict them carefully. Although the immune system of the dog can generally banish these remainders, an infection or abscess might occur, so it is best to contact your veterinarian if uncertain.
After removing the tick, drop the parasite to a mineral oil or alcohol, check that it is dead before disposing it to a close by garbage bin. To prevent transfer of infection, wipe the mineral oil in the dog’s fur and then decontaminate the area with alcohol.
Effective Tools For Tick Removal
In no way pull out the tick directly with your bare hands. If you use your bare handss, you can transfer the microbes from the tick to your hands. Although removing dog’s tick might not be as simple as you think, there are other ways to readily remove ticks by using different tools such as curved hemostats, tick ladle, tick slider, tick nipper, tick noose, and tick pincers. Curved thermostats are traditionally used by physicians or veterinarians. Tick spoon on the other hand, is an impressively well-crafted little plastic ladle with a notch at the end. Tick spoon is used by sliding the notch under the tick before levering it off. The tick slider is very similar to the tick spoon. Ingenuously, slide the instrument under the tick before lifting it off. Tick nipper is a little plastic instrument with a curved jaw, which enables you to grasp the tick by its head before lifting it off. Tick forceps is just like an instrument used by ophthalmologists. It can readily grasp the head of the tick because of its fine tipped end. Never use sharp material when removing ticks as not to poke holes in your dog’s skin.
Although ticks might be removed easily using different instruments, prevention is still far better than cure. Regular bathing and other preventive tick medications are still the best ways in keeping the ticks off your dog.
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Common Tools For Removing Ticks In Dogs